Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Holy heck. Just proof that some things I make are incredible. At work yesterday - ready for snack time - pulled out some goat cheese with green tomato chutney and had it with wheat thins - sweet potato crackers

Bloody amazing.


Monday, October 8, 2012

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! and.....Pumpkin overload

Hubby had to work today so we are had Thanksgiving Dinner with family yesterday.  My brother and sister-in-law flew in from out west a few days ago to see family and we had a wonderful thanksgiving feast.  Of course, 3 special people were not able to join us - My sister in law spend dinner with her family and My step father and my brother-in-law are currently out of the country for work.  

Darren and Kev went to help out a friend close up his parent's cottage and do some work around the property that needed to be done.  This friend lost his baby girl a few weeks ago so Darren and a bunch of work buddies are heading up to get everything done for them.  I wanted to go but given I'm still forbidden to do manual labour of any sort because of my back injury, I stayed home with Miss Em. 

After  a restless night, Em was up bright and early at 6:30am despite trying to get her to nap for just a little bit longer -- it wasn't going to happen.

By 7:30 we were starting the prep for making pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving Dinner.  

We made the crust from scratch, put it in the fridge to cool and set a bit and we started on the pumpkin pie filling.  Since I didn't have any left over from last year in the freezer (we lost everything in our freezer in July when we went away and the freezer door was left open 1/2 an inch.  Yep - quite the mess). I had to use <gasp> canned.

Just kidding - in all fairness, canned pure pumpkin is just fine.  However - since I'm trying to watch what my family eats and am attempting to feed them more locally grown, fresh, organic food and produce, I question what nutrition is lost in the commercial canning process.  I already know the taste isn't as good as fresh but since canning pumpkin puree at home is not safe, sometimes canned is the only option.

Yes.  You did read that correctly.  Home canning, using any method (boiling water or pressure canner) of pumpkin puree is not safe.  I have done a lot of research on this topic and other than canning pumpkin cubes (which still can be questionable) it cannot safely be I won't do it.

Freezing pumpkin puree is perfectly fine.  So I do that.  

After we got the pumpkin pies made (Em 'decorated' the crust edges - she's awesome!) and into the oven, I cut the 6 pie pumpkins I picked up saturday in half and scooped out the seeds.  

Pumpkins ready to go into the oven.

Pumpkin pies out of the oven and starting to cool - she did a great job on the crusts eh??

Back to the pie pumpkins....

I baked them at 350 for 1 hour and took them out to cool for about another hour (just until they were cool enough to handle).  

When they were cool, I scooped out the meat and put it in the food processor.  Once pureed, I took the pumpkin out and put it in a food strainer to strain out the water.

Once that was done, I filled ziploc bags (already labeled with name/date/amount).  Then into the freezer they went.

Next time I want to make pumpkin anything...pancakes, bread, pie, cookies, cheesecake, scones, cake...I just need to take out a bag and let it thaw in the fridge.

Pumpkin Puree


·      6 pie pumpkins, halved with the seeds removed


1.     Bake halved pumpkins in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.
      Remove pumpkins and let cool
      Scoop out pumpkin meat and blend in food processor
      Drain water out of puree
      Place in ziplock bags, labeled with amount and date.


·     12 cups


·      Pie Pumpkins - 6 for $10
·      Total - $0.83 per 250ml.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stain, stain go away - come on back another, wait - Never??

I don't get how Martha Stewart does it. Or did it before she was famous (and had servants to do her work).

How the hell do you get rid of an old SET IN STAIN!

I've read the tips, I've tried the tips.  The tips don't work half the time.

I have kids (and a husband) therefore I have stains on clothes.....and as such, many are thrown out when i have given up trying to get the stain out.

So....along comes my friend Mr. Google and we look for a homemade product that just might work.

I found a recipe, tried it, and O. M. G.  It works.  The photos don't acutally do the product as much justice as it deserves....but it works.  My husband has this beautiful stark white Canada hat I purchased for him during the 2010 winter olympics.  Why I decided white would be a good colour for my gets everything covered in stains husband, I will never know.

His hat was gross.  The sweat-dirt stains were all over it and I banished the hat to a spot where he couldn't FIND it so that I wouldn't be embarrassed if he tried to wear it out in public.  I had already tried throwing it in the wash to no avail.

So.  I pulled it out (hey honey I "found" your hat LOL!!).

Spray on the homemade stain remover.  Wait 10 minutes.  Rinse off.

Holy white hat.

The photos below are from the first time I did it.  I should have taken more after I went through the process a second time and actually scrubbed the hat.....but I can't find the hat anymore.  Pretty sure that hubby has hidden it so I can't get my hands on it again.  haha.  It's amazing - it looks brand new.

Since the hat, I have used it on nearly every set it and fresh stain that comes up.  It's been great.  New stains come out perfectly and as for the old set in ones...well....I took a pile of 20 pairs of kids underwear (my daughter had 'bathroom issues') that I was about to pitch.  I sprayed each and every one, threw them in the wash and crossed my fingers.  Out of 20, I  completely saved 8 pairs.  Not a hint of any stain left anymore.  The remaining 12 were better but not completely stain free.  And these stains were old, set and had many bleach/commercial stain removers applied with no success.  I've also recently used it on a cat barf stain in the basement.  Took it out completely in less than 2 minutes.

The commercial stuff I had been using was either the Clorox 2 Laundry Stain Remover ($3.47 for 650ml) or OxyClean Gel Stick Pre-Treater ($3.99 for 6.5 oz)

Here is how I did it and what it cost.

Laundry Stain Remover


·      1 cup dawn dishwashing liquid
·      2 cups Hydrogen peroxide


1.     mix toget


·     750ml


·      Dawn dishwashing liquid ($2.49/750ml) = $0.83/1 cup
·      Hydrogen Peroxide ($1.97/1 L) = $0.985/2 cups
·      Total - $1.81